Whenever your work is about dealing with extra sensitive and serious documents, doubtlessly it will be very important to take those procedures that ensure you not to become victims of fraud, counterfeiting and forgery. As the technologies used by the fraudsters and counterfeiters more complex during the past few years, Zhiyan Press for Special Security Printing insisted on developing the features of security printing services offered to its clients.
By using security printing, you can insert several features and characteristics to your printed materials such as security inks, watermarks and three dimension images as well as using security papers of our company, using the security feature of hologram and several types of special numbering, data entry, non-copy-able printings and other services. Also, the security printing can be used for a wide range of products and documents such as bank checks, academic certificates, coupons, manifests as well as governmental official documents like visas, birth certificates, marriage contracts, real estate deed, voting ballots, and correspondence papers of companies. At the press, the security procedures are not limited to the printing materials we produce, but we also insist on protecting your documents and data during the whole steps of the printing process as a part of the highest procedures of confidentiality and precaution. In addition, our buildings are subjected to 24 hours monitoring and watching, either by security Staff or by watching cameras.